Friday, July 9, 2010


Why do good people die young?

For the past 3 nights, I have endured nightmares that leave me awake and unable to sleep again. During this time that I'm awake, I think about the world around me.

And then, I cry.......

If there is a god, he is a cruel, sick being. There's no way that he can be considered a "loving, caring god" when he kills off young, innocent people. Think about it. Was there ever somebody in your life that didn't deserve to die, but still did?

Now think about this: was there ever a person who deserved to die, but ended up living a long, healthy life?

I personally don't believe in god..... I have my own beliefs which follow simple facts.

When your heart stops, the brain stays active for 7 minutes afterwards. When you dream your longest possible dream, which seems to take the entire night, and then some, you're really only seeing about 20 seconds worth of things before you wake up.

My friend told me about Lucid Dreaming. It's the art of controlling what happens in your dreams. If you take all these things and put them together, you can simulate your own afterlife.

7 minutes.... It will seem like a few days, but by then you will be lost in it's splendor. I know you can and will control your "afterdream", and I hope that you make it worthwile.

Thank you and goodnight.

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