Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Tears... And Sad ones too....

I am crying as I type this.

I have truly amazing friends. Like actually. I love all of you, and never forget that.

Today my best friend told me they were dieing slowly. They would live only till thier 30's..... And I started crying then.....

Then later on a friend posted something I would love to share with you. It is titled Happy Tears, and makes me cry whenever I read it.

"So today , really sucked.

Everything was going wrong .
Literally everything .

I always have this friend I talk to .
His name is Cory .
He is really amazing .

It is not often that I get upset .
But today I did .

I told Cory this .
And explained what happened .

Then I showed him something that I told one of the people.
It was a direct quote of what he told me to say .

Then this conversation took place .

Cory ; You just made my life
Me ; I am glad .
Cory ; You always manage to make me happy , no matter how sad I am .

At the sight of these words , I started crying my eyes out . If I could make every person I meet say those words , my life goal would be truly complete.

-And so the conversation continued .
Me ; You have absolutley no idea how happy those 13 words just made me .
Cory ; =] True facts
Me ; You made me cry happy tears .
Cory ; You are my sunshine , my only sunshine ... You make me happy when skies are grey ...
Me ; You 'll never know dear , how much I Love you . So please don 't take my sunshine away .

I guess theres just one thing I am trying to get across here ,

which is that Cory Green , yeah , he is a truly amazing person .
I 've confided in him things that I have never told anyone else .

I trust him above all people.
I am very proud to be able to say he is my best friend."

No matter when I read that, I choke up... It's the nicest thing anyone has done for me.

I know I promised to "disappear" for two years, but this needed to be said. I want all of you who read this to know that if you find someone who truly makes you happy, keep them as close as possible. I mean this. No matter what happens.

Thank you, and Goodnight.

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