Saturday, March 13, 2010

Great Parenting Skills

Ok, so this is my first blog EVER.........

Anywho, I was chilling out in the living room on my iPod (which hereafter shall be referred to as Yoshi) and my dad looks over and asks "why would you want a PINK cover for it?" and I simply ask "why not?"...... Well here comes the BEST PART! He says "well it's a lil GAY, don't you think? I mean, it's pretty girly..."


It's even worse when you think of the fact that he KNOWS I'm a Bisexual....... >_>

So if you have any Great Parenting Skills that you've suffered through, comment on here what they are!!



  1. My mom and my dad both accepted that i was gay, but had a problem with letting the world in on it. They would get tense when i would style my hair and dress a certain way when going out in public. I means its not like i went out in a loin cloth and pink pumps. I like to dress and style my hair the way i want to, in a way that is not direspectful to others, but in a way that fits my personality.

    I feel i need to be true to who i am, and more or less not be afraid of what the public thinks of that. "I would rather be original than a copy". SO all parents out their, let you child enjoy their personality, its what makes the world a better place.

  2. Hm. I think honestly, although most parents eventually accept the fact that their child is gay, have a problem with it deep down. Every parents wishes for their child to grow up happy and "normal" and is taken aback when something happens otherwise. Your dad should have taken a better effort to hide it though, that was a pretty harsh comment especially when he knows you're gay. Maybe he's in denial. Life isn't easy when you're not typical and you have to deal with it. Keep it mind your dad is older and not used to such "diversity"...
