Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Great Religion Discussion

Ok, so today at school we had a discussion that involved Satanism, and one person said that Satanists are "evil".

I strongly disagree.

I don't beleive that someone belief should mark them as "bad" or "evil", because it's just what the freaking beleive in. Does being a Christian automatically make you a "good" person?

Or how about this food for thought, a Satanist works as a nurse and helps save lives...... She is a good person with different beliefs. A murderer who is Christian...... He is a baaaadddd person.

See what I'm saying?

Another thing (talking about murder), more people have died at the hands of Christianity than Satanism, because (contrary to popular belief) Satanists sacrifice ANIMALS not HUMANS. Or BABIES. Or EAT HUMAN HEARTS.

And the people killed by Christianity? Uuhhh hheeellloooooooo....... The Crusades, the Inquisition... The list goes on.

Any arguments? Comment below.



  1. I have to Rant on this!

    I have always really disliked one kind of christian mentality that "They are the chosen ones, better than everyone else because of what they believe, and their duty is to force others to become enlightened (or kill them)"

    Im not trying to trash christians - some of them are my good friends, and deffinitely don't act like that. its not just christianity either - its just something ive mostly noticed there.

    I think it should be understood that everyone has their own path, finds their own spirituality/path to enlightenment. if someone worships satan, that is their own choice and is probably a very complicated one. They found a way to connect with themselves and with the world and you have no right to question the way they do that. The only possible situation where this isnt true is if they hurt others while practicing their faith (suicide bomber islamic terrorists, or if Satanists really did practice murder)
    and P.S. this also applies to Christianity (again, the crusades, inquisition, etc...)

    and you know, this reasoning applies to pretty much everything - i'm thinking of sexual orientaiton.
    thats about a connection with another person, and if you connect in a different way than the majority, that is your business, its part of your own complicated life story. And NO ONE HAS ANY RIGHT to question that or treat you different.

    wow that was a hell of a rant...

  2. Religion is the root of all evil. God, the great spirit, i'm sure something exists. But it would be so organic, so natural, that how could rules like that exist? Sexuality is natural, however you choose to practice it, and I think god is inherently love. Religion was designed for control and it sucks. be free

  3. but "satanists" are wannabe countercultural fucks who should stop trying to be hardcore. they're fucking retarded and it's another fucking form of pointless religion and control.
