Tuesday, April 27, 2010


God they suck, especially when they are about the stupidest shit.

And it's even worse when the person you're arguing with is a complete basket-case and screaming at you to calm down.

I AM CALM! I'm not screaming, or waving my arms, or swearing. Go look in a mirror. Seriously. Right now.

Just for fun, carry a pocketmirror into an arguement for just that. Whip it out so they can see how ridiculous they look.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Nobodies Perfect....

I learned this today. The hard way.

I have been tortured mentally by many people, and hated every second of it, but I just did to one of them the exact thing they did to me.

I am crying, I am dieing, I'm alone but I'm not the only one.

That's what I want written on my tombstone when I die, IF I ever die. Am I just to be put through this all on a loop?

Sure feels that way.

I hate myself at the moment. How could I do that? What possessed me to do this? Questions I usually ask about other people....

My heart is heavy, my stomach hurts, my eyes are watering. Is this what the world wants of me? A constant source of despair?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Shush your face

I dislike people who won't let you be who you want to, /especially/ when they are the people who once said "be whoever you wanna be"

Can't you just realize that I am the way I am and I like being this way? SO WHAT if I wear Brittany the bandana?! SO WHAT if I wear a rainbow pin on my left pocket?! SO WHAT if I listen to screamo, and death metal, and alternative, and pop?!?!

Does it all even matter? NO
Do you still get mad when I wear Brittany? YES for some fukky reason!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Here you go...

Recently I went on a journey. And on this journey, I did some thinking. I found stuff out that is really helpful in my life.

First off, my biological sex is male. My gender ID is undetermined becuz I don't know what I want to be. My gender expression is /going/ to be androgynous, if I ever have money. BUT....

My sexuality is something I've had troubles with. I considered myself a bisexual, but never felt it /fit/ with how I feel.

Then a friend introduced the term "biromanticism" to me and I did some research, a lot of thinking and found that I am ACTUALLY considering referring to myself as a "biromantic homosexual".

I feel no sexual attraction towards any girl, but I would still get with a girl. I would get with a guy as well, but sex is something that will have to wait. It'll happen, but not for a while.

This is just some things about me that I think people should know.


Am i insane?

so.. i totally name things around my house, just so i can yell at them while using their name.

i have yelled at Bob the Techno-chair for his stupid wheels not wanting o roll across carpets and making me trip over him whenever i go to open my window.

i have yelled at Timmy the Toaster, cuz he likes to burn the toast, or not toast it at all.

i have yelled at Yoshi multiple times, for she does not like to keep eBuddy up and running, but crashing every chance it gets.

i recently have acquired my bandana, named Brittany (after a friend) and she doesn't like to stay tyed up around my neck.

does this make me crazy? does this make me weird? i dont think so.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coke VS. Pepsi

Everyone's favourite question: Coke or Pepsi?!

You can taste the difference for sure, but overall it's just two pops made by the same company. To each their own....

Did you know that Pepsi in the states is like... Syruppy thick!?

How about that if there wasn't caramel colouring in Coke, it would be a green colour!

Interesting facts, ehhh??? No one cares though xD it tastes good. So who cares if you prefer one over the other, don't freak out when you ask for coke and they bring you a pepsi.


A few things you may not kno about me, and no one can say they know everything that will be written here (Kelly).....

First off, my gender ID is Undetermined, and I don't care what I'm refferd to as. Fuk call me a tree for all I care.

Wich brings me to my next subject! I would absolutely fukn LOVE <3<3 to be a tree.... Or a plant of some sort. Plant life is never ending, and it would be cool to just chill out and watch the world go by.

I dress in a way that is rather masculine, but that is gonna change soon. I will still look like a guy, just in tighter pants and my bandana whereverthefuk I feel like having it.

I dislike all forms of religion. Don't push yer beleifs on me, i'll set u on fire. If I hear "God Bless You" again, I'm gonna make a deal out of it!

So there's four points of my life that u may have known 1 or 2 before, but now it's all out for u!


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh, Waiter!

Don't you hate when you go to a resturaunt that is just fukn TERRIBLE?

I remember this time I was on a trip with a class for school, and we dropped by this resturaunt for some spaghetti..... Good right?


The salad was old lettuce with water sauce, and I found a lemon rind in it (srsly?!) yea. A fukn chunk of lemon rind. Nice.

The spaghetti is set before me and it is just depressing. Rubber noodles with (once again) water sauce! Funnnn.....

Then there's the one thing everyone hates to love, FAST FOOD! U always see the ads showing u a three inch patty stacked with wonderful amounts of lettuce, pickles, cheese, bacon... The works....

Then u GET the burger and realize the whole fukn thing is just under an inch, and it doesn't have cheese or lettuce or anything except some microwaved, paperthin bacon strips.... =/ tasty

Just be grateful of whatever place u eat at, it can't be TERRIBLE.....


Friday, April 16, 2010

I Am.....

I am the cold shell left from the untimely demise of an evil heart and a broken soul. I am all that you want and all you can't have. I am all the world needs and all it hates. I am everywhere. I am nowhere. I am here, I am there. I am a marvel. I am a martyr. I am hurting, I feel no pain. I wish upon you happiness. I bring to you suffering. I am amazing. I am exhausting. I am who I am. I am Nobody

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Musix to mine ears

You ever listen to that song that just DESCRIBES you? How you feel, what you want to say to someone, or just what your everyday look on life is?

Those are the best, and I've listend to SO MANY like that.....

Everybody Hurts by REM is one that describes my life... Honestly it is..... Same with Lip Gloss & Black by Atreyu

Blow by Atreyu described my feelings while I was pissed about that kid who lied to me......

If there's anything you wanna say about songs that describe YOU, post them below!


Saturday, April 10, 2010



It is my least favorite word, and I die a little bit everytime I hear it..... It's a HORRIBLE word that should not exist....

What's worse is when your friends hear you being called it and don't even try to stick up for you! In case you havnt clued in, yes this just happnd to me, and I'm as pissed as can be

Wouldn't you stick up for a queer friend who was being discriminated against? I sure as fuck would!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Triple Chins of DOOM!!!

Who hasn't had at least one morbidly obese teacher?

I have witnessed quite a few myself, and they have all scared me! I've seen them break desks cuz they sat on them (lol) and it makes me wonder, why don't you do something about it?

I understand that sometimes they have glandular problems or sometimes even low metabolisms, but most the time you just wanna yell "PUT DOWN THAT FORK".......

I know I'm mean about this subject, and I'm prolly gonna get some negative reactions, but when I have a fat gym teacher, I get SO pissed when they tell me I'm not fit enough.... (which has happened before)

My favourite "fat teacher" was my foods teacher last year. She was a great teacher, but get her mad and she will chase you, chins a-waggin (all 3 of them) and you bettr get to higher ground! Stay away from going downhill, you are screwed if they trip......

Don't hate me :D


Thursday, April 8, 2010

WTF Moments

We all have them, admit it....

They come in many different forms, sometimes while you game out, sometimes while your living a normal day!

My two favorite while gaming are the "what the fuck is this magic?" moment and the "I just hit an invisible WTF while driving this car"......

"What the fuck is this magic" is when something happens in a game that makes NO DAMN SENSE.... Like an opponent surviving a seemingly fatal attack....

And the Invisible Wtf's? That's when you are driving down a road in Grand Theft Auto and somehow manage to flip your car on a straightaway without any obstacles....

When your in real life though, the greatest WTF moment I've experienced is when something like Death Metal music starts to put you to sleep.... Cuz that makes sense!....

Well that's what I got for this rant, thank you to my friends for coming up with some good moments and ideas for rants!


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Back To Rants......

ugh, kay.....

so, after some thought and a little use of my brainmeat, i have decided that i shall rant about: CELLPHONES!!!! (yayyy)

i personally believe that cellphones are handy little devices, BUT, my good golly grief are they overused.... i see people texting EVERYWHERE i look! in school, in the public library, on the street...... its ridiculous....... just a lil......

and since people do this, cellphones are banned from classrooms now, cuz techers think kids will text answer to each other.....

yes cuz y'know, the friggin blondes are like 75% of the texters in the average classroom and like, really, what are they gonna text for answers to each other?

if you actually read the basic text conversation you will find it is nothing but gossip, i garauntee...... seriously chek all yer texting friends phones it'll either be gossip or they r making plans for the weekend or sumn...... kay i cant rant about this anymore,


Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Many people think they know me, I disagree....

Nobody truly understands what goes on in my life, not even me. So how can you claim to know stuff about me that I don't even know? It doesn't make sense, does it?

I'm not angry with any of you anymore, just a little annoyed. You can try to make it up to me, it will probably work if you are nice enough.

Friday, April 2, 2010



Toying with someone's emotions is the BIGGEST dick-move I've ever witnessed.....

How can you say one thing, go with it for awhile, AND THEN COMPLETELY SWITCH IT AROUND!!??

Fucking wow.... There are no words to describe my feelings for you, and if you're reading this, GOOD, I hope you understand where I'm coming from.

Emotions flying, I leave you with this: toy with me again, I'll kill you.....

Not even joking


Thursday, April 1, 2010



Turns out he WASNT mad, but quite interested in me.....

A little bit of a turn of events, and I am still confused cuz I have no idea WHAT to do..... Should I give him a try....?

He wants a bit more than I do either way.....