Saturday, April 10, 2010



It is my least favorite word, and I die a little bit everytime I hear it..... It's a HORRIBLE word that should not exist....

What's worse is when your friends hear you being called it and don't even try to stick up for you! In case you havnt clued in, yes this just happnd to me, and I'm as pissed as can be

Wouldn't you stick up for a queer friend who was being discriminated against? I sure as fuck would!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome thing that changed because of the diversity weekend:
    I never have used that kind of language, but I usually let it slide when others did, usually just being ignorant and using them out of context (not actually insulting someone queer)
    But for the last while, twice I have called someone on using that, and once they actually were referring to someone queer (actually, someone they claimed is queer) I just dont take it anymore at all.

    P.S. Irony alert! im fighting for diversity and tolerance by being completely intolerant to discrimination... oh well I don't care, way better than doing nothing
